contact me

professional history

Google (2015-2018) Software Engineer
  • took product specs and converted them into design docs
  • took design docs and turned them into buggy code
  • took buggy code and turned it into well tested, buggy code
bebop (2014-2015) Software Engineer
  • wrote code until Google acquired the company
  • sometimes backend code
  • sometimes frontend code
Stanford University (2013-2014) MS in Electrical Engineering
  • focus in Software Systems
Stanford University (2009-2013) BS in Electrical Engineering
  • focus in Software
Countless Internships (2007-2014)
  • got coffee for a variety of prestigious Fortune 500 businesses, Academic research institutions, and international sweatshops

about me

I have been working in Computer Stuff for decades. Originally from the East Bay Area, I bring my unique, multi-cultural view of the world into my software development engineering. I have found my speciality in creating timeless, handmade, detailed code that is "on fleek".

My specialties include, but are not limited to:
  • Full Stack Application Development
  • Computer stuff in general, really
  • Competitive Napping
  • Chairs

about this page

I made this page to look like a painting by Piet Mondrian, such as "Composition No. 10" (below). Every time the page is refreshed or resized, a new random pattern is generated.